Sonic the Hedgehog Spinball is a 1993 pinball video game developed by Sega Technical Institute and published by Sega. It is a spinoff of the Sonic the Hedgehog series set in the continuity of the Sonic the Hedgehog animated series.
An early prototype PlayStation 3 SEM-001 motherboard used in SONY's factory to test the new hardware, this board is for once in pretty good shape and may function.
An early prototype PlayStation 3 SEM-001 motherboard used in SONY's factory to test the new hardware, this board is in pretty rough shape and has some damage/missing chips.
A late prototype PlayStation 3 VER-001 (Vertigo) motherboard used in SONY's factory to test new hardware, this board is in pretty rough shape and has some damage.
A late prototype PlayStation 3 VER-001 (Vertigo) motherboard used in SONY's factory to test the new SouthBridge chip, this board is in pretty rough shape and has some damage.
A random donation from China, the following is a Nintendo DSi SD card used during development of the console.
Sadly, this card is dead and unreadable. These cards would normally contain logs from tests, recovery attempts would also damage this card as you have to open them to recover.