The Legend of Oasis, released as The Story of Thor 2 in Europe and as Thor ~Seirei Ou Kiden~ in Japan, is a 1996 action role-playing game developed by Ancient and published by Sega for the Sega Saturn. It is the successor and prequel to the 1994 title Beyond Oasis for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis.
Soviet Strike is a helicopter-based shooter game developed and published by Electronic Arts for the PlayStation in 1996 and the Sega Saturn in 1997. The game is a sequel to the Strike games which began on the Sega Genesis with Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf.
Sega Touring Car Championship is an arcade racing game released by Sega's AM Annex for the Model 2 mainboard in 1996. It was later ported to the Sega Saturn and Microsoft Windows. The game was housed in a sit-down cabinet with speakers installed on either side of the player's head and a subwoofer under the seat.
Motocross Mania is a racing game developed by Deibus Studios and published by On Deck Interactive for Microsoft Windows in 2000, and by Take-Two Interactive for PlayStation in 2001.
The Sony Tablet S was released in 2011 around the same time the Xperia Play 2 was cancelled, much like the Xperia Play 2 the Sony Tablet S was also PlayStation Certified meaning you could download PlayStation Portable games.
Sadly an update to the PlayStation Store made the tablet unable to download & purchase PS One Classics.
An early XBOX ONE Protype dated around 6 months before the final hardware revision, this motherboard is reused from even earlier units that had zebra stripes.
The motherboard still retains debugging functions at this stage.
An award that was given to Stuart Wright for his work on the video game APB: All Points Bulletin, somehow this item ended up on eBay and was saved by us.
If you read this Stuart, feel free to reach out as we would love to reunite you with it!